Leading in water and sewer since 2001
Simply Water & Sewer specialise in the design, project management and construction supervision of developments requiring water and sewer services that are to be linked with Sydney Water infrastructure including sewer mains, water mains, amplifications, adjustments and renewals.
Get in touch with us for a fee proposal, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire about whether our services are right for you.
Suite 5, 97 Shellharbour Road, Warilla NSW 2528
(02) 4295 1246
Section 73 Applications
When you develop or subdivide land, your local Council or Certifier will tell you if you need a Section 73 Compliance Certificate. A Section 73 Certificate confirms you have satisfied Sydney Water’s requirements to adequately service your subdivision or development with water and sewer services.
Service protection reports (sewer pegouts)
A service protection report (sewer pegout) is a report that demonstrates the accurate location and depth of Sydney Water’s asset on your property (or neighbouring property where applicable). You will need a sewer pegout as part of the Building Plan Approval process. Only Sydney Water accredited service protection report providers can prepare these reports.
Building Plan Approvals
If you’re building, excavating or landscaping next to or over a Sydney Water asset, then we must approve your plans before you start work. The approval ensures the work you are doing will not damage or limit access to Sydney Water’s asset.
Water (PW) and Sewer (WW) Reticulation design
Development activity that requires the creation or protection of Sydney Water’s assets, may require you to engage Simply Water and Sewer to manage the design and construction of any required water and sewerage works.
Feasibility applications
If you have a large or complex development Simply Water and Sewer can lodge a Feasibility application with Sydney Water to see what their requirements could be.
Water (pw) and Sewer (WW) Adjustment/deviation design
Depending on your project’s needs, Sydney Water’s systems may be required to be adjusted, amplified or protected so that the services used by Sydney Water’s customers are maintained. Simply Water and Sewer can provide you with information about the process and possible requirements.
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Projects and Testimonials
“The design and approval process was very timely and well documented. ”
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Use the form below to contact us regarding your development. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.
For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent to lead the firm into uncharted fields of practice.